Vintage Halloween Collectibles

When witchesVintage Halloween Collectable go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near HALLOWEEN!          -Unknown

Halloween, as it is called today, is a contraction of the phrase All Hallows’ Eve , and is celebrated on October 31st, the evening before All Saints Day. The holiday’s origins began as a celebration of bountiful harvest and remembering the dead. Halloween traditions are thought to be influenced by Celtic harvest festivals long ago. Irish and Scottish immigrants took many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century, and the holiday eventually spread to other countries by the 20th century.

In Mexico, the holiday is called the Day of the Dead. Families and friends gather on this day to pay their respects and celebrate those who have died. Although it can be a more solemn tone, unlike in the US, some celebrations can be humorous and fun, remembering funny events and stories about the departed.

Whatever is celebrated, there are plenty of vintage Halloween collectibles and fun for anyone looking for a blast from the past!


Halloween is fun for children and adults, although it didn’t necessarily start out that way. Many of the activities, pranks, and vintage Halloween items have evolved through the years as we now know them, including: 

  • Trick-or-treating 
  • Costumes
  • Parties
  • Apple bobbing
  • Carving pumpkins
  • Haunted houses
  • Scary stories
  • And, horror films

Vintage cards, posters, decorations, and costumes were representative of a later time period, not just because they showed what people were afraid of, but also of the time’s pop culture and entertainment. Costumes, for example, were usually homemade and used as disguises for teens playing pranks. The disguises were usually scary and frequently portrayed witches and monsters. During the depression, vandalism was a common occurrence at Halloween. As a result, parents started organizing trick-or-treating and costume parties.

 Vintage Halloween Collectibles

For vintage and antique Halloween collectors, there is a plethora of items available. For example, a decoration like the rare tabletop centerpiece, Vintage Halloween Horrible Witch Decoration Crepe Skirt, dates back approximately 90 years and can sell for thousands of dollars.

Other finds iVintage Witchnclude a 1930’s vintage Halloween Beach and Arthur party plate, Toledo Halloween Jack-o-Lantern Tin Parade Pumpkin valued at $7,500, a 25-year vintage Halloween Winking Pumpkin Candy Container with sliding bottom, and many more vintage Halloween treasures.

Many of these vintage items can be bought through the internet, however, flea markets, antique malls, and reputable dealers like the Old & New Shop, might be a better way. The ability to touch and see a piece, and hold it in your hand can make all the difference when deciding to purchase a vintage or antique piece, especially if it’s a large investment. The Old & New Shop will give you a fair and accurate evaluation as well as purchase items you might like to sell. 

So, have fun with your Halloween vintage pieces, and Happy Halloween!


An Antique Shopping Guide

A Guide to Antique ShoppingThere is so much fun in shopping for antiques. Sometimes, we find the best items from the flea market and in specialized shops. From hand-painted teapots to ornate sofas, these antiques make an excellent addition to your home. An antique shopping guide will help!

Be Prepared

The best way to start your shopping trip is to be prepared for moving your antiques from the shop to your home. A simple kit containing items you already have in your house should be ready to go. Your kit should have cardboard boxes (preferably foldable), a blanket or bubble wrap for padding, and wipes for dusty pieces. It’s also helpful to measure the space you want to fit the item into before you go. If your find is too big for your vehicle, have a Plan B to transport it such as a rental van. 

Identify the Best Market for Your Needs

Depending on your needs, you should decide which type of market is the best place to find it. If you’re looking for affordable, second-hand items, shop at a flea market. If you want “old” heirlooms, try an antique mall. Genuine antiques are usually found in a shop owned by an antiquities expert. 

The terms antique, vintage, or retro are sometimes used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. These differentiations can help determine the value of the item. The definition of antique is simple–any item that is over 100 years old. This rule applies to anything from books to glassware. Vintage pieces are not sold as antiques. Although determining the age is a bit more subjective, vintage usually means an item that is over 40 years old. People buy vintage items because they are nostalgic decorative pieces or collectibles. Retro items are thought of as existing in the more recent past and are sometimes only slightly used. These items are more than 20 years old, but less than 40.

Antiquing Etiquette

When you enter an antique market or mall, it’s always best to greet the vendor, setting a friendly tone. It is acceptable to haggle or ask for a discount. Some people may feel uncomfortable, but these tips can help you along. 

You should also inspect the item carefully for dents, scratches, or chips. If you find a flaw, you should ask for a discount.

Keep the Vision

When shopping for pieces to decorate your home, keep in mind the style you are trying to achieve. Are you going for farmhouse chic, rustic, or something retro? If you are not sure what your style is, start with a major piece that you like that ties the room together and decorate accordingly.


If you are new at this, you probably don’t have experience determining the authenticity of an antique. There are some ways to verify its claim:

  • Distinguish sterling silver from plated by its authenticating mark. Look for a marking that says “9.25”, “Sterling”, “Sterling 925”, or “S/S.”
  • To check whether a porcelain item is genuine, hold a flashlight (your phone works well for this) up to see if the light shines through. If it does, it’s genuine.

Also, consider the function of the item you’re interested in. A fragile piece should not be in a place where it can be easily damaged. 

Additionally, before you make a purchase, you should find out what the return policy is, especially on large valued items. If anything should be wrong, or it just doesn’t fit with your decor, you’d want to know if you can take it back.

Let’s Shop 

With an antique shopping gude, you are ready to shop. Get your antiquing kit, cash, and transportation, and go! The Old & New Shop is one of the favorite antique and vintage dealers in the New York metro area.

Antique, Vintage, or Retro?

Antique, Vintage or Retro

The terms antique, vintage, or retro are sometimes used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings, and these differentiations can help determine the value of the item.

The definition of antique is simple–any item that is over 100 years old. This rule applies to anything from books to glassware. If an item is over 300 years old, it can fall into one of two categories. If it’s natural and from a living thing, it is called a fossil. If it’s man-made, then it qualifies as an antiquity or artifact.

Vintage has a meaning that is less defined. Vintage pieces are not sold as antiques. Although determining what age counts as vintage is a bit more subjective, it usually means an item that is over 40 years old. People buy vintage items because they are nostalgic decorative pieces or collectibles.

Retro items are thought of as existing in the more recent past and are sometimes slightly used. These items are more than 20 years old, but less than 40. Retro usually imitates a certain “years ago” style, for example, a letter or varsity jacket which dates back to the 1920s, and the style regained popularity again in the 1980s.

Items that are not necessarily antiques, vintage or retro may still look old and are commonly bought as collectibles. These are referred to as reproductions. They are not sold as old themselves but as copies of older items.

The Market Value

There are several ways to estimate the value of your antique, vintage, or retro item. Visiting a local appraiser is a good option, as they have experience in this area and the tools to accurately research the piece and determine its worth. Appraisers will offer a fair price and give you a report. However, they can charge a hefty fee for their services of up to  $200 or more. The Old & New Shop will provide a more personal appraisal with a one-on-one phone call and/or meeting.

Another way to find the market value is to visit a site that will appraise your antique. Websites can give you a professional estimate by providing you with a description and photo. Additionally, consulting an antique pricing guide can give you detailed information about the value and resale of the items.

Trends in Antiques, Vintage, or Retro Items

Interest in shopping for vintage and antique items has grown over the years. Millennials are growing older, and the things they once had as children are now becoming vintage. And it’s not only Millennials; Gen Z’s is also looking for vintage and retro pieces. Current purchasing trends indicate interest in vintage advertising signs, books, toys, and jewelry. Other items with Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles are also popular. Whatever your preference, the Old & New Shop has a wide variety of items and collectibles for buying and selling.